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Meet our pastor

Errol Cooper Sr. began his ministerial assignment many years ago as a church musician. He started singing around the age of six and playing the piano at the age of eleven quickly distinguishing himself as a gifted musician. Cooper served as Minister of Music at various churches throughout the Miami area sharing his musicianship with many. Although he was extremely dedicated to the music ministry he realized that his music ministry was not a substitute for the calling upon his life. February 1992, Errol Cooper answered the call and began preaching God’s Word; this was just the beginning of what God had planned for his life. Several years later in May 2000 Errol Cooper would become the founding pastor of Unity Tabernacle Praise And Worship Center located in the heart of Liberty City, where he served faithfully for 15 years. His ministry is best accurately described in Luke 14:23, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

Pastor Cooper’s humble spirit enables him to effectively minister to the needs of the people of God. He is a true man of God whose practical teaching style empowers the believer to apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. A servant-leader, Pastor Cooper visits the sick, serves bereaved families, counsel’s members, and greets both members and visitors after each worship service. August 2015 was a pivotal point in the life of Pastor Cooper for this is when he accepted his new assignment as the third pastor of First Deliverance Church Of God In Christ. This appointment would follow the heavenly transition of the founding pastor, Superintendent Isaac Cohen, whose demise left a void in the lives of so many. Pastor Cooper’s passion and divine leadership has enabled First Deliverance to experience a spiritual awakening; the ministry is thriving once again. First Deliverance is growing spiritually and souls are being added by way of the preached Word. First Deliverance is experiencing a sense of spiritual renewal and a renewed fellowship. Pastor Cooper’s steadfastness to God’s ministry has not gone unnoticed within the community. Pastor Cooper has been actively engaged in outreach service projects such as health fairs, bazaars, and AIDS awareness projects. On the jurisdictional level, the Lord has elevated him to Superintendent of the Pentecostal District and Chairman of the Ordination Board of the Florida Eastern Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church Of God In Christ. Pastor Cooper is devoted to his loving wife of 33 years, Toni and together they have two beautiful daughters Erica and Tiondria (Timothy), two handsome sons Errol II. (Ashley), Erron (Terrasita), 3 lovely granddaughters Ashlynn, Franteria and Ny’kira and four  handsome grandsons Timothy, III, Errol, III, Royal, and Honest.

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